Bachelor of Hospitality Management

Hospitality Management Bachelor

Prepares the students for different management levels and positions to apply inside spas, hotels, restaurants, resorts, casinos, or retirement homes; based in the experience take from both, internships and foreign languages courses to interact with population. Lately, this career has been growing creating at the same time new careers every day.

In order to develop your skills, this program will teaches you Basics in Hospitality Industry and Management of Employee Relationship. Also you will have choices to do like: Manager of Hotel, Retirement Center, Resort, Restaurant, Casino, or Spa, etc. from other's or your own business.

Some requirement courses may include: Quality Assurance, Customer Service, Management Strategies, Statistics, Business Communications, History and Development of the Hospitality, Tourism, issues with Workers, Accounting and Finance.

Students must be prepared for challenges faced in the workplace with ability: efficiently interaction and service customers, financial concerns understanding, team members motivation, employee's tasks delegation, workers preparation for face challenges of tomorrow, customer's relations identification, positive customer's experience motivation, desires and needs of each customer identification, data finances analysis, customer feedback, employee productivity. The most important is to understand this important information is useful for improvements and excellent communication skills.