Native Cuisines

Native Cuisines

These kinds of cuisines include all the typical culinary methods and dishes that the first indigenous people of the Americas have prepared. Nowadays, this cuisine has covered the imagination of many chefs, who have adopted this cuisine to the present.

Cuisines of Historical & Native Cultures:

Through the time, our cultures have left us its historical culinary customs, which nowadays are still applied in many typical places into our gastronomy world.

Incas Cuisine
Aztec Cuisine
North America Cuisine
 Incas Cuisine
Incas Cuisine was based on tubers, roots, grains and meat due to its wild and different landscapes allow a great diversity of plants and animals.
 Aztec Cuisine
Aztec Cuisine was based on maize because it was included in its mythology, but they also include vegetables, fruits, meats, mushrooms and fungi.
 North America Cuisine
Native North America Cuisine is still applied and it is considered as an icon, but some ingredients such as cornbread and mush were introduced by inmigrants.

   Native Cultural Recipes