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Cooking terms - Letter N

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Napa Cabbage
Napa Cabbage
       Napa cabbage: also known as celery cabbage which is a long, crisp, mild-flavored, white leaves cabbage.

   Nasturtium: plant with edible leaves used to aggregate peppery accent to food; its flower used to flavor butter, cream cheese, or vinegar due to its salad taste; and its buds are sometimes used as capers.

   Navy Beans: white oval-shaped legume used in canned pork and beans.

Navy Beans
Navy Beans
   New potatoes: small and immature tuberous vegetables with a sweet flavor and white flesh.

   Nine-grain cereal: cereal with a coarse-texture and taste of earth. It contains cracked rye, barley, rice, corn, oats, millet, flax, soy, and triticale.

   Niboshi: dried sardines used to increase the flavour in many dishes.

   Niguela seeds: also known as black onion seeds. They are tiny and black seeds with a peppery flavor similar to the cumin.

   Nimono: Japanese food simmered in a seasoned broth.

   Nockerl: Austrian dumpling served in soups and stews and the sweet part served as dessert.

   Noisette: hazelnut in French. Also a slice of meat took from the loin.

   Nondairy creamer: it is used to decrease the color and flavor of coffee.

   Nonpareil: tiny sugar candies used to decorate pastries like cakes, cupcakes, cookies, etc.

   Nopales: also called Pads. They are oval leaves of the nopal used in varieties of Mexican dishes.

   Nopalitos: nopales cutted in shape of strips.

   Nori: sheets of dried seaweed with ocean taste used for wrapping sushi and rice balls.

   Nougat: roasted nuts and mixed with sugar or honey.

   Noyaux: it means fruit pits in French, and it is a sweet pink liqueur made from the pits of various fruits.

   Nutmeg: fruit of the nutmeg tree which taste is a mix of warm, spicy and sweet at the same time. It is commonly used in pastry, milk and creamy preparations.

     Nut mill: utensil used to unshelled and pulverised nuts without releasing their natural oil.