Cooking schools » United States » Indiana » Akron

Cooking schools in Akron

We don't have information about cooking schools in Akron, we are sorry. Anyway there are several jobs related to the kitchen industry with plenty of restaurants so cooking schools should be an important business in Akron. If you have information about cooking schools in Akron don't hesitate in contact us to send the information. Thank you so much!

Other cooking schools in Indiana

Ivy Tech State College (Hospitality Administration — Culinary Arts)
Hospitality Administration — Culinary Arts Hospitality Administration emphasizes the techniques of such hospitality leaders as Ritz, Escoffier, Statle...
Address: One West 26th Street

Ball State University (Food Management minor)
MISSION STATEMENT To promote education, leadership, and advancement in the growing fields of hospitality and food management. H.F.M.A pro...
Address: 2000 W. University Ave.

Vincennes University (Culinary Arts)
Culinary Arts Business and Information Technology >> Culinary Arts If you have aspirations of becoming a bonafide chef, there's no better p...
Address: 1002 N. First Street

The Art Institute of Indianapolis (The International Culinary School)
Introducing The International Culinary School at The Art Institute of Indianapolis, an innovative approach to culinary education. Our programs offer y...
Address: 3500 Depauw Blvd Indianapolis

Cibo's Bistro
COOKING CLASSES We love what we do at Cibo's and want to share our passion for fine cooking. So, we are now in the process of creating cooking cl...
Address:  22195 Pocket Road

Full list: Indiana cooking schools

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