Brazilian cuisine

Brazilian dish

  Brazilian cuisine varies widely by region mainly because of it is a combination of Amerindians, Portuguese, Africans, Italians, Spaniards, Germans, Poles, Syrians, Lebanese and Japanese cuisines influence.

  Some of their principal ingredients are turtle meat, rice, sugarcane, cacao, onion, palm oil, ground cashew nut, smoked shrimp, pepper, garlic, white and black beans as same as farofa, paçoca, canjica, pamonha and quibebe. And some typical fruits include mango, papaya, guava, orange, passionfruit, pineapple, sweetsop, hog-plum, Soursop, and cashew.

  Among their typical dishes, brazilian people have Rice and beans, Salgadinhos, Pão de Queijo, Coxinha, Kibe, Esfiha, Pastéis, Empada, Cuscuz branco, Açaí, Cupuaçu, Cachaça and many more.

  Some of their desserts and cakes, there are many types of bolos; Bolo de cenoura, Bolo prestígio, Bolo de fubá, Bolo de milho, Quindim, Brigadeiro, Beijinho, Cajuzinho, Cocada, Pudim de pão, Manjar, Doce de leite, Pudim de arroz, Canjica, Romeu e Julieta, Pé-de-moleque, Paçoca, Pão de mel e etc.

  Recipes of Brazil at and at