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Cooking terms - Letter Y

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Yard-long Bean
Yard-long Bean
   Yams: subtropical climate tubers from pale to deep orange color and very similar to sweet potatoes but less sweet.

   Yakimono: Japanese term to refers grilled, broiled or pan-fried food which has been marinated in sauce to be skewered in order to keep its shape, tender and juicy; like Yakitori.

   Yard-long bean: also known as Asparagus bean, it is a bigger green beans legume, similar to the common green beans but less sweet and from the same family. Commonly it is used sautéed or stir-fried into the Chinese cuisine.

   Yeast: known asw the oldest cultivate plant oby man, it is a very tiny living plant existing in the air which allow us to make bread, beer and wine.

   Yeast bread: bread which has been used yeast as one of its ingredients and as the leavening agent.

   Yeast starter: moment of evolution when the yeast were used as leavening of the breadmaking process.

   Yokan: Japanese confection made of a jelling agent, sugar and paste of adzuki bean; and even sometimes chestnuts and persimmons are added.

   Yosenabe: similar to the nabemono made by combining chicken, seafood and vegetables in a pot of seasoned broth.

   Yuzu: sour and citrus fruit from Japan particularly used for its aromatic rind as a garnish of many dishes in order to increase their flavour.
